Tuesday, June 28, 2005

comfy shoes

So one thing you do a lot in Beijing is WALK!

In Los Angeles, my physically activity is comprised of working out at the gym for about an hour, six days a week. While I’ve tried to be better about using the stairs instead of the elevator, I still walk very little. Usually I walk from my apartment to my car, from my car to my office, sit on my butt all day, and at the end of the day, walk back to my car, drive home, and walk up one flight of stairs to my apartment...

In China, I probably walk between 2-5 miles a day depending on what I’m doing. It used to surprise me how Chinese people could seriously chow down on food and still stay so thin. I realize now that they walk and bike a lot (and well over 50% of the population is still doing a lot of manual labor).

I actually love this aspect of China and wish it were possible to get around L.A. just using public transport and walking. The downside is that for the first time in a long long time, I have blisters! Today I wore heels because I was interviewing someone at a university and wanted to dress nicely. But even my most comfortable summer shoes, plastic/rubber flipflops from j.crew cut into my feet.

I think I’m going to have to break down and buy Chinese shoes. I’ve heard they are super comfortable for long distance walking.

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