Monday, September 05, 2005

labor day

last night was a blast.

we went to asanebo in studio city. it was my first time having omasake at the sushi bar. the chef was superb! the sushi was AMAZING, melt in your mouth fresh, and the subtle touches made all the difference in the world (e.g. lime zest on toro). it was a seemingly endless feast of spanish makeral from japan, toro, yellowtail, blue fin tuna, squid, kanpachi, etc.

the chef was also friendly, not snobby at all, and carefully instructed us how to eat each piece of sushi. no soy sauce. soy sauce. all in one bite to savour the mixture of flavours and textures.

omasake is definately the way to go when you have some cash to spend. it was such an enjoyable experience to be able to eat slowly and interact with the sushi chef.

ahhh. . seriously the best sushi i've had in LA, perhaps ever, actually.

after dinner, we drove to the rumba room in studio city. salsa classes started around 8:15 p.m. and the band started playing at 9 p.m. i switched partners some during the lessons, but mostly danced with my friend. after the lessons, some random guy asked me to dance.

and he was g-o-o-d. too good. while i had a good grasp of the basics, i felt like i could barely keep up with him. it was non- stop spinning, swirling, and fancy moves. but it was oh so much fun. after a few dances, i was beat. we watched some of the expert dancers for awhile. . the nice thing about the rumba room was that there was a wide range of ages and skill level so everyone felt at home.

now i have to finish preparing for my tutoring session. maybe i can squeeze in a run before the bbq tonight.


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LANYTransplant said...

I knew you'd have a blast! Makes a huge difference when the guy is a really good salsa dancer, and I love how laid back the place is!