Saturday, October 15, 2005

To Dine Alone or Not to?

Spent the afternoon working on cover letters and waiting for the cable guy to come. To my pleasant surprise, he showed up within the scheduled window! I can’t tell you how nice it is to be connected to the world again!

Went to Silver Spurs on Broadway with the roomie, George, and a couple of their friends. The burger I had was pretty tasty but of course did nothing to sate my longing for some good Asian grub. I would do anything for a bowl of hu tieu (thick rice noodles) with seafood, a sizzling pot of bibimbap or tofu soup, or a couple of heavenly rolls of sushi.

Sigh, but that would have meant dining alone. It’s strange since I have no qualms about going to a movie by myself. But restaurant dining, with the exception of fast food or airports, I just cannot bring myself to do alone. Maybe it’s the awkwardness of not having someone to talk to during the meal. Or perhaps the curious/pitying glances of other diners.

One of my best girl friends in LA would probably tell me that it’s ridiculous that I can’t just go to a restaurant by myself to enjoy the food that I would like to eat. But eating out, enjoying food is a communal experience that I feel should be shared with good friends and families. But then again, there will always be times when I won’t have a dining partner on hand. So perhaps I should follow the wisdom of Nike. . .

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