Monday, August 14, 2006

Day Three in Barcelona

Shopping, shopping, and more shopping. Ahh, the beauty (or danger) of traveling with a fellow shopaholic!! We woke up on the earlyish side, around 10AM, ate breakfast and made our way to Bar Gothic which had a million little boutiques featuring the designs of local artists. Q2 and I make great shopping partners, we both have a lot of patience when it comes to sorting through racks to find hidden treasures, trying on clothes, and critiquing fashion.

We chatted with the saleswoman from Depeche BCN for a bit, seems to be an interesting story there. She’s from London but of Portugese descent and had moved to Barcelona 3 months prior. She recommended a nearby restaurant that had a good prix fixe lunch so we stopped there around 3:30 pm for a bite to eat. Q2 ordered the gazpacho, bacalau carpaccio and I had the chicken and mozzarella salad, beef steak. We shared a bottle of the recommended rioja and finished off with apple pie. The whole meal was 22 euros each which considering the wine, was a great value.

After lunch, we walked around a bit more and ended up on a crowded rambla lined with chain stores. Both of us were feeling a bit claustrophobic so we veered off onto a smaller alley. We slowly made our way back to the apartment, stopping at a couple stores to buy milk, bread, and cereal.

Back in our pad, we unfolded the pull out sofas and relaxed. While I watched LA Confidential, Q2 napped. Around 9pm, we got up and prepared dinner and planned our evening. We decided to go to Jamboree for Monday night WTF (what the fuck) jazz session.

Supposedly jazz greats had performed there which added to the appeal. The venue was underground, dimly lit, and crowded with young hipsters swaying and bopping to the beats. the performance was quite good and after the session ended we went upstairs to the sister club of Jamborree and danced for a good long while the DJ was very good -at least he played the type of music I dig dancing too (R&B/hiphop). . .i had forgotten how much I love to dance!!!

We left around 2AM and there were still masses of people milling around. barcelona is truly a city that never sleeps. . it even beats NY in that regard. Posted by Picasa

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