Tuesday, August 26, 2008

the importance of intent

last night i got take-out with mikey, one of my oldest friends, from nargila grill near my apartment. despite our best efforts to take advantage of the fact that we are finally living in the same city again, life always gets in the way and it's always months in between our hangings out. of course- that leaves much to talk about.

fortunately, lots of happy news and updates all around. as usual, after we got through the usual chitchat- life, relationships, jobs, the conversation turned more contemplative and in particular, the subject turned to the matter of intent.

in terms of how i live my life and relate to others- i always try to do and say what i mean rather than be governed by external expectations. somehow, i feel when obligation guides you, the importance or sincerity of your action is muddled or lost. similarly, i try not to impose my expectations on others. i'd rather people act in a way that is true to their own intent and when it does gel with you- then all the better.

in the past, some have questioned me for not always spelling out exactly what i want. it's not that i'm into games, rather, i believe that honesty and directness are an essential foundation for all relationships. however, i feel that there is something to be said, some invaluable lessons to be learned, by giving people the freedom to reveal themselves.

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