Friday, November 14, 2008


while waiting for ricki-tin-tin at kanoyama (yes, it's becoming VERY regular) i spotted rachel weisz and her son. i've lived in nyc long enough to at least attempt not to notice and certainly not to take a camera pic. how gauche! instead, i settled with taking periodic side glances. she's absolutely stunning without a lick of makeup, consequently i would not describe as runway glam, but undeniably beautiful. her son was adorable, dressed in a some getup with cows printed all over it. nice celebrity spotting!

after dinner, i got back home and tidied up the apartment. the boy arrived some time after 11pm and had not eaten dinner. we decided to scope out some neighborhood grub and ended up at blockheads where he ordered a burrito and nachos. while not the best mexican i've had in my life- it was definately good, affordable mexican. . .and i do have a weakness for nachos.

sigh. this could be dangerous for my resolve to eat healthier. . .

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