Wednesday, February 04, 2009

the big 3-0

turning 30 has been on my mind as of late. strangely, it is with a sense of excitement and relief that i prepare to embark on this new decade. . . maybe it's because i have gotten to a point in my life where i know my mind and am comfortable with the person i have become.

nonetheless, challenge and new experiences lead to growth and evolution. since i believe in continual self-improvement and cultivation, i have made a few personal resolutions. ranging from the unabashedly superficial (rock a seriously fit body by my 30th birthday) to practical (be more frugal) to the silly (get used to ctrl+T and better at importing music to itunes).

so far so good- i've managed to finally get over the exercise hump and reincorporated strength training back into my routine and cut back on eating out on weekday nights. now, if i can just save up enough money to do some traveling, i'd be all set. . .


AND-ON said...

suppose it isnt really that far away now is it...

v said...

another 8 months to go!