Saturday, January 07, 2006

unexpected evening in

got home around 4pm and met two prospective new roommates. . will keep looking.

was supposed to meet up with R & Q2 for dinner tonight. but with the L not running, Q2 being injured from skiing, and it just being too damn cold out, we ended up postponing. so it's 8:24 p.m. and i'm eating leftovers (thanks again, mom) and boiled vegetables with nothing on it (VK would be SO proud).

surprisingly, i am looking forward to an evening of vegging out!! i will finish some proofreading for a friend, shop for my sister's b-day gift online, and catch up on emails. i plan on drawing a hot bath and soaking in the tub for an hour, watching some chick flick and knitting, and falling asleep.

btw, A.H., i guess i found a nice remedy for making myself feel better:)

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