when just nothing goes right
the day started off beautifully. . .until i got to work.
reasons why yesterday was just a bad bad day!
1. condescending email from a client that seemed to question my competency
2. i was very excited about ordering from a new restaurant called tossed that has whole-wheat crepes, low carb high protein per my new diet. placed my order around 3pm. and waited and waited and waited for it to arrive. . .it was 4pm and i called to check on the order status. apparently it hadn't gone out for delivery yet. . .so i cancelled the order and still had no food! had to run down to guy and gulliard for a wrap. have i mentioned i become ms. cranky pants when i'm hungry?
3. there is a problem with the 30 rooms that i had gotten blocked for my company's event in a couple weeks. people have been trying to reserve rooms but have been running into problems with the hotel. now it seems like the woman that helped me block the rooms might not have set them aside. . which means i have to get all nasty and bitchy to hotel management until i get my way. . and come up with a backup plan.
4. annoying conference call with client from #1
5. left work at 7:30 hoping to get home by 8 so i could eat a quick dinner and have time to digest before working out. . had to wait for 30 minutes before the 6 came. . . so i got home around 8:30, again hungry, tired, and stressed out.
working out helped relieve some of my tension, a good post workout snack, and reading US helped me zone out to bed by midnight.