Tuesday, June 20, 2006

running on empty

the past couple weeks and next few weeks have been/are going to kick my little yellow ass. work has been extremely busy preparing for our big event july 14th-15th. i've been working massive overtime, still waking up around 6AM (because i managed to inherit my dad's internal alarm clock) despite staying up late, and have resorted to drinking tab energy drinks and a couple cups of coffee every day. not to mention that every weekend from now til the end of july is booked solid.

this coming up weekend, tang and jpan will be visiting for our reunion and to celebrate tang's wedding and jpan's b-day. following weekend, big bro is getting hitched. the next couple weekends i'll be traveling for work. then the weekend after i have a bridal shower to go to. i think i should take a long weekend at the end of july to decompress from all the traveling. . go be a beach bum.

alas, it's a lot of exciting stuff and i can hardly complain. . . i'll just have to be extremely good with my time to balance work, keeping up with my friends, maintaining my new health routine, managing to enjoy all the fabulous free events going on in NY in the summertime, and finding time to take those salsa classes i've been talking about for ages. . .

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