Thursday, September 21, 2006

must be something about the month of september

nearing my one year anniversary with new york, i find myself once again in the midst of a lot of change.

so, i decided to pull out my risk seeker card and give my notice a couple fridays ago. it's been a long time coming, i just needed a kick in my derriere to get the ball rolling. managed to leave on good terms with the company and promised to stay til the month's end, find a replacement, and train the new hire to ease the transition.

altogether, i've interviewed six candidates and have a few lined up for monday morning. i must say it's strange being on the other side of the table and asking probing questions rather than being the one with sweaty palms, fumbling around trying to think of smart witty answers that attest to my hire-ability. i never realized how difficult it is to conduct a successful interview- that is asking questions that actually give you insight into a person's character, work ethic, etc.

top grievances at an interview:

1. scary makeup. please ladies, polished make up is great, but leave the stage make up at home!

2. not knowing what the company you are interviewing with does

3. pretending to be something you are not. it's one thing to be creatively boost up your past experiences, etc. but if you are outright lying about something, chances are that the interviewer can see through it.

4. being late or too early.

5. postponing the interview. look, i know emergencies arise, but it indicates that the job is not important to you. so why should i hire you?


Anonymous said...

I'll just bet you'll find a job just like that, once you're outta there. How do you do it? How do you reconcile the discrepancies in your resume? "So you did flower arrangements and organized events? What now attracts you all of a sudden, to the field of proctology?" I have a gaping 10-year hole in MY resume. "Hmmm: I see here that you essentially vanished from the face of the Earth for ten years. What happened?" "I was a rock singer. I became a dope-fiend crackhead sleaze bucket and slept with everything that had a pulse." "I see. And what is it about selling commercial mortgages that interests you, Mr... Mr Johnny Rockenheimer?"

It's a miracle that today I'm a financial analyst. I swore to myself that I wouldn't take another huge leap of faith like that ever again - push my luck around the block one more time. And now I wanna be a friggin' NURSE! Somebody STOP me!

And what drives YOU, Ms. V? Perpetually unsatisfied? Quick bore?

LANYTransplant said...

very interesting tips. i've never been on the other side.