Monday, September 11, 2006

wading (i mean) rowing in central park

went with the boy to central park to relax with the paper, do some row-boating, and catch up on a bit of side work.

was very excited about rowing. we have been talking about if and had planned to go last month but it never happened. the weather was beautiful, sunny but on the cooler side. we made our way to the park around 11 and were one of the first people to get a boat.

since the boy was going to do most of the rowing (i just wanted to try my hand at it), i was supposed to go in first. i eagerly made my way toward the back seat and all of a sudden, WHOOMP, my feet go flying up in the air and i land on my butt. somewhere in the background i hear the attendant say "walk from the front end of the boat towards the back".

yea, thanks buddy. . a millisecond too soon. as i try getting up, the slippery algaefied ramp causes me to slip again. the water is soaking quickly up my right leg and starting up my left. suddenly i feel the boy's strong grasp pull me out of the water.

the boy: are you ok? ha ha ha.

v: um. sure.

ok. i just fell on my ass in front of everyone. hard.

the boy: do you still want to go?

v: yes of course.

i'm not a wimp. of course i'm goin to go.

the boy: don't worry, no one saw you fall.

v: silence.

can we stop dwelling on the fact that i just fell on my ass in front of all of central park?!! so much for a romantic afternoon of rowing and gazing into each others eyes. . .

(see my soaked right leg?) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

LANYTransplant said...

Haha. Sorry. Sounds like one of my usual blunders.