Sunday, February 24, 2008

it's so cute!!!

every few months, i feel the need to change my hair in some fashion. for the past couple years- t was all about growing it out superlong and playing with layers and color. . .but somehow, i had come to the point of being bored and tired with my hair. i needed a drastic change.

so last sunday, with several clippings of various hairstyles and colors, i went to my little hair shoppe. as we discussed styles, my stylist was getting more and more geared up. after agreeing on the look- he grabbed my hair in his left hand and with his right hand took a dramatic snip and the next thing i know he is swirling my formerly long locks in the air triumphantly.

over an hour of cutting then another hour of coloring and styling, i walked out feeling chic and enjoying the feeling of having a bare neck.

over the course of the week- i heard a barrage of comments- it's so cute! . . you look more corporate. . .sophisticated. . . you look more mature. . . urm. . . i really like it. . .you still look like V.

i still can't tell what's worse- being told that i am "cute" or "mature"?

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