Wednesday, September 24, 2008

home early

i've mentioned feeling a little out of whack lately- but the face staring- nay- i should say squinting back at me in the bathroom mirror made me do a double take. my left eye was so swollen and puffy i could only half open it. i inched my face towards the mirror to better inspect the damage.

no mucus or liquid. check.
no redness. check.
no itchiness. check.

i decided to go sans makeup and contacts rather than risk irritiating my bad eye any more. the upside is i was out the door in 15 minutes from getting out of bed. i knew that my boss would be concerned so i avoided her for the better part of the morning. of course, she inevitably noticed and despite assuring her that i wasn't in pain and felt fine, she suggested i see a doctor and insisted i go home early. so i wrapped up the key tasks for the day and headed home.

on the ride, i spotted carl at the M15 limited bus stop and sitting in the back of my bus, an old guy with a 40 oz can of budweiser. it was 1pm. weird.

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