Monday, February 09, 2009


i've never been a great sleeper and in fact always thought that sleep was a waste of time. as i got older and perhaps somewhat influenced the boy, i've discovered how delicious and important a good night of sleep can be.

after a tiring day of work, i was oh so looking forward to an early night. i cleared my schedule, ate an early dinner and relaxed at home. around 9pm, i promptly removed myself from the internet and distractions. i took my herbal supplement and drank a glass of water and went to bed. i tried listening to my heart beat then the sound of my breath rising and falling, hoping that the steady rhythm would soothe me to sleep. unfortunately, sleep alluded me and as i continued to toss and turn i grew increasingly frustrated.

what are your tricks for falling asleep?


Anonymous said...

To fall asleep, I lie sitll with my eyes open. Everything else I do and think is normal "go to sleep" stuff, just my eyes are open. Just like anything in life, telling myself to keep my eyes open is the best way to make myself close them.

Also, counting backwards from 100 to 1 works. It's actually a form of meditation that the experts warn you not to try laying down because you're sure to fall asleep. If you're trying to meditate, that's a problem, but if you're hoping to get to sleep, why not do it?

vermicious knid said...

reminds me of "sweet, delicious light"

Anonymous said...

My trick is I don't, if I can't fall asleep, I get up and do work.

The next day I'm a zombie but I can definitely fall asleep at the end of the day!