Tuesday, March 22, 2005

rainy LA

my sister called this morning asking what the weather was like. . .rain forcasted for the rest of the week. . . she was surprised. . . its a common misconception -that it is 70 degrees and sunny all year long in LA - held by people on the east coast, and that is often perpetuated by people from southern california. . .so much so that even los angelenos often forget about the winter bouts of rain and june gloom where it the sky is so thick with fog/smog.

it's amazing how we adjust to whatever climate we are in. . . i wear a sweater in LA whenever it dips below 60. but on visits to nyc, 40 degrees feels warm and pleasant!

these trips to nyc for wedding planning have solidified my love for manhattan and i would be very happy to move there for work. it has an incredible energy, a plethora of restaurants from around the world, great mass transit system, and a vibrant culture. the only drawback is it is so d**n expensive!!! a tiny 2 bedroom in alphabet city goes for approx 2G's

.nonetheless, i had a wonderful time hanging with my family in the city. ate a lot, walked a lot, window shopped a lot. the highlights:

1. pizza at rosa's near f.i.t. and the best bagels at any local bagel joint (LA really can't compete when it comes to bagels and pizza).

2. seeing robin williams walking around in soho (he ever so slightly smiled back at me after i caught his eye and smiled at him!)

3. watching a chinese women being handcuffed by an undercover cop for selling (a) counterfeit goods or (b) without a license near the outskirts of chinatown.

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