Thursday, January 03, 2008

noche vieja

new years, much like valentines, is one of those overly commercialized and hyped events. . . there is this sentiment floating around that insists that one does something absolutely fabulous, surrounded by a million partiers, screaming like maniacs when the clock strikes 12- or else you are a loser. there is a plethora of options if you are willing to pay- all the restaurants have fancy (read expensive) prix fixe dinners, clubs that promise to deliver a mind-blowing party in exchange for a king's ransom for cover. if not, you have to convince one of your friends to throw a house party and hope that (1) you know more than a couple of the guests or (2) there are cool people to make conversation with so that you aren't bored out of your mind.

to circumvent the whole dilemma, i decided to gather my small group of friends over at my place to celebrate the new year. as usual, the east coast anal (thanks keting2 for the new term) part of me was mildly panicking over preparations. i had chosen a spanish theme and devised a somewhat ambitious tapas menu that required more prep time that i actually had to spare. moreover, i was expecting a bigger party than i had originally anticipated so i was starting to get concerned with not having enough food. luckily keting2 had arrived in town sunday night and was both willing and able to play co-chef. while we caught up on each other's lives, i prepped the dates and meatballs. by midnight, the bed was calling me so i decided to turn in.

monday morning i headed off to work and was pleased by the relatively stress and drama free day of work. a few friends cancelled at the last minute which relieved my concerns about food quantity as well. the icing on the cake was when my boss excused me to leave half an hour before closing time so i was able to get home by 6:30 and score a sweet parking spot for the boy. i rushed in and was relieved to find keting2 had everything in control. i set up the apartment, got dressed, and starting working on food prep. the rest of the night was smooth sailing and i think it was the most stress free party i'd ever thrown thanks to keting2.

the party was a great success. everyone got along tremendously well. everyone enjoyed the food. there was plenty of alcohol and no dead, awkward moments. around 11:30, we started divying up grapes for each individual and passing them around. then at midnight, the boy cued the sounds of 12 clock chimes as we each began to furiously try to eat one grape per chime. as i looked around the room and began to reflect on 2007, i felt truly blessed at the wonderful developments in my life and the people that have become part of it. . . and excited about what 2008 will bring.

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