Thursday, June 12, 2008

doing the right thing

i was sitting at my cubicle when em came up to me. "don't do anything!"

i looked at her blankly.

"i don't want you to do anything!" my boss proclaimed convincingly.

what she referred to was my division's tradition of celebrating every associate's birthday. basically, there is some pretense of a surprise where everyone goes to the conference room and the birthday boy/girl has to go to the room and pretends to be surprised by the celebration which inevitably involves dessert- whether it be cupcakes from buttercup bakery or carvel icecream cake.

so i find myself in the odd position of trying to decipher my boss's true meaning. . .should i follow her literal direction and insist there be no celebration? would this make her TRULY happy or would the lack of festivities unexpectedly make her sad? or do i go with tradition knowing that it makes her unhappy?

this is my predicament.

we've decided to forego the usual festivities in lieu of a nice bouquet of flowers and a card. . .and just in case, i'm going to bake some birthday cookies.


Anonymous said...

sigh. you know, sometimes the girl way of doing stuff doesn't seem to make a ton of sense. ~A

LANYTransplant said...

You guys aren't much different. A certain someone insisted he'd kill me if I organized some sort of surprise for his birthday. When the surprise came a week and a half after his birthday due to scheduling difficulties, he confessed that during the wait, he secretly thought I was lame for giving up.

v said...

well luckily it all worked out in the end. everything was super low key- passed around cookies after our pizza brainstorming lunch, gave her the card, no big "happy birthday",flowers were delivered around 2:30 PM. em thought it was sweet that we did something and looked grateful that we didn't make a big fuss.