Thursday, April 27, 2006

moving on up

so we brought in a temp this afternoon to help me with some mass mailings. kind of weird cuz i was in that position only a few months ago. . . i remember the mindless printing, stuffing, & internet research.

she seems like a nice girl and she worked pretty steadily. . couldn't really assess any of her skills given that she was only stuffing envelopes and putting labels on them. bb said that if there is a need then we can start having her come in on fridays to help put together kits, filing, etc. which would be great, allow me to focus on the new project we landed and get my first real taste of large-scale event planning.


Rockenheimer said...

Hire me!!! I'm dependable, been working for the same bank for five (5) Earth years now, I say "Sir" and "Ma'am", survived a civil war in Sarajevo in '92, got the medal of honor for that tour for saving some Captain's ass supposedly, I'm a financial analyst and I know my ass from a whole in the ground! I make fifty (50) grand a year - beat that and I'm yours for life! Please? Hire me! Hire ME! If I look at another deadbeat wannabe Borrower with bullshit credit, I'm gonna throw up all over myself!

Save me! Hire MEEEE!!!! I have my own car! It's a minivan! I'm married and my two little girls think I'm God! I have abs of steel! I used to work out but I'm still in shape! I do overtime! Get me outta this friggin' BAAANK! I can temp with the best of 'em! I only cost $50,000.01! And one CENT!!! Come ooon!!!

References on demand. Email

Phew! Thanks V!

Rockenheimer said...

Oops - I know it's way late for this but I forgot an important one: (totally stuff that folks take into consideration when they interview applicants for jobs)

I do a dead-on imitation of Robert Segal AND Carl Castle from NPR.

There. The whole package. Now - aren't you glad you have this precious information?

Okay, I have no life...