Friday, August 18, 2006

Day Six in Barcelona

Famished at 1 pm, Q2 and I set out on a hunt for a fine lunch. Our first stop was Commerc 24, a new Catalan restaurant recommended by Anna. Unfortunately, the restaurant was closed until the second week of September. Next we decided to try Agullers, a tapas restaurant run by Cal-Pep’s cousin (Cal-Pep is closed in August). We were sad to discover it too was closed. . maybe a family vacation. . .Luckily, the third time was a charm and we stopped at Petra, recommended by a UCLA colleague.

Cozy. Blue. Innovative in their décor. Menus are printed on the labels. Chandeliers using forks, spoons, and knives.

One of our best meals with simply prepared dishes using fresh, high quality ingredients. We started with a salad of lentils, cured ham, and mesclun greens. Next was carapacchio, squid dressed in zesty orange sauce. Very fresh. Our main dish was duck served with poached slices of pear in a rich, red wine sauce. The duck was succulent, cooked to perfection. We ended the meal with duck pate, thinly sliced and layered across a large plate, and drizzled with a sweet raspberry dressing that provided just a hint of tartness which contrasted beautifully with the decadence of the meat.

During the afternoon, we went back to Massimo Dutti whose window display we had admired a couple days before. Their clothes are high quality and quite affordable, a genuine find. Zara and H&M lost their appeal afterwards and we were both (if you can believe it) shopped out.
We made our way back to the apartment and cooked dinner. After dinner we watched “Happiness” which is one extremely twisted movie and which I have not gotten my mind around. Q2 fell asleep for a bit. Then, we packed most of our things up to get it out of the way. I can hardly believe that tomorrow is our last day in Barcelona. It’s been an incredible trip, perhaps one of the best I’ve taken thus far. Am feeling like a very very lucky girl. . . Posted by Picasa

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