Tuesday, September 12, 2006

damn technology

went to the gym this morning. . as i got to the door i reached into my bag to look for my keys which has my membership card hanging from it only to realize they were no where to be found. it quickly dawned on me that i had left them on my bed.


weighed my options. . as it was 6:30 and it was way too early to wake up my roommate, i did the practical thing and proceeded to go for a 45 minute cardio work out. . luckily, i'm a regular so they waved me through. unfortunately, i rely on my cell phone's address book and do not have any phone numbers memorized (except my parents).

i decide to go back to the apartment and ring the buzzer to see if it'll wake my roommate up. alas, it does not. i head back to the gym and explain what happened and ask if i can use the internet there. fortunately, there is an old email with my roommate's phone number. so i call a couple times and finally get through. i go back home and she lets me in.

thanks k-flo, you are the BEST!!!!

still made it to work on time.

lesson of the day: memorize roommate's, the boy's, and q2's phone numbers!

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