Sunday, January 07, 2007

mapping the city by foot

one of the upsides of my current state of homelessness is that i've gotten to reside and somewhat explore different neighborhoods in nyc. east harlem, upper east side, and now the lower east side. Q2 has been gracious enough to let me take over a good chunk of her living room.

one major downside of my current state of homelessness is difficulty keeping up with my gym routine. in any case, i broke down and got a 2 week trial membership at a gym. i had planned my sunday perfectly. wake up at 7. have my protein shake. jog to the gym. do weights for an hour and jog back. have an hour to get ready for work and an hour to get there.

unfortunately i didn't wake until 7:45 a.m. so i decided to go for a run instead. i suited up, got my nano and nike arm band ready, and went for a run. my route- west on canal and north along broadway. i ran from the lower east side, through china town, through soho, and to union square and back. all the streets, subway stops, shops, and sites that i had frequented throughout the past year and change had always seemed like scattered and separate entities. but by foot, all of it started connecting. . i finally was able to see it in north-south-east-west perspective.

i'll have to continue running and exploring the city. i have been scared to run with my bad knees and have gotten bored with cardio, but right now, my knees are feelin pretty good (being iced now) and the run was exhilirating! what a great way to get to know the city!!!

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