Wednesday, June 06, 2007

t-shirt junkee

a little secret about myself- a few times a year- i like to go through my closet and refold/organize everything. i especially like to fold t-shirts. . i remember working at the polo outlet and we had these great boards that made t-shirts look crisp and were perfectly shaped. . . i would love to get my hands on one of those boards!!!

in any case, on my day off. . i got into a little bit of a cleanin frenzy- trying to clean the brown burn stains off of my pots & pans (VK the ajax works but it's still not pre-burn state), clean the stove top, then tackle some of my closet drawers.

i had done a good portion a few weeks ago when it was time to put winter clothes towards the back and bring the spring/summer duds front and forward. inevitably, and why this habit is so great, is that i rediscover what i do have and this squelches the feelin that "i have nothing to wear" and my need to shop for more clothes.

today was "shirt day". as i was folding all my tops, i counted 20 t-shirts. 20. yes, i love t-shirts. t-shirts with funny slogans.

"my eyes are up here" with arrows pointing up
"i may be short but i'm a genius"
"look but don't touch"
"little miss fun"
" good girls go to heaven bad girls go to montreal"
"let's focus on me"
"hip hop and ya don't stop"
"i love nerds"
"ucla girls rock"

so 20 t-shirts in counting. . but i know it's getting to be a problem. .there are only so many days in a week and most of mine are at work where i can't wear my funny t-shirts. . . but i find them irresistable.


Anonymous said...

ok but now do you *SEE* how #1 and #3 sort of represent mixed messages? perhaps you bought them at different stages of your life... #1 came while you were still idealistic and believed that people were ultimately corrigible, and then #3 came after you'd resigned yourself to the realities of the male psyche. i'm curious to see what comes next as you get even more jaded.... i'm thinking something like "ok fine. touch. just could you at *least* make it look like an accident?" ~AH

v said...

good point- afterall, with #1- having any writing near the "twins" invites stares to that region- so saying don't look is indeed a mixed message. . .but hey, we're women and we're complicated and like to confuse men. . seriously, it's all supposed to be fun and taken lightly.

Anonymous said...

All the girls wearing "i love nerds" shirt should go to heaven, not to montreal.