Friday, July 27, 2007

three times a charm

the workweek should really be four days because one day is inevitably filled with running errands. yesterday was such a day.

1. bank
2. get duplicate keys made
curse my fancy apartment locks that costs $12 to copy one key. get annoyed when the locksmith quotes $60 + tax to replace the cylinder
3.hardware store to buy new cylinder
$13 for the cylinder
4. gym
5. back to locksmith b/c the duplicate gate key didn't work
curse that i had to waste my time going back and forth groceries
7. track down maintenance guy to replace cylinder
happy that i only had to slip the guy a $20 for the job and saved myself $30
8. clean my apartment
9. back to locksmith AGAIN b/c the second duplicate gate key didn't work
now i'm really annoyed and this time the owner makes the dup himself. but it finally works!!
10. catch up on blogging, emails, etc
11. cook dinner
12. laundry
13. knock myself out with nyquil.


Vi said...

It was fun to read about your travels to Peru!
~ Vi

v said...

hey vi!

glad you enjoyed it!!! how's sunny so-cal?
