Tuesday, August 30, 2005

dog street

yesterday i met up with two of my college friends in williamsburg. we went to the cheeseshop (which still has the BEST veggie sandwich i've ever had), dessert at baskin robbins, and a walk down dog street.

williamsburg seems quaint now, maybe i didn't appreciate it enough as a college student. . but there is something a bit surreal about going to school in a tourist town, especially one that is a living history museum. there are some fond memories too.

we walked by the old shops where people are dressed in colonial clothes, dressmakers, a bakery, a silversmith, etc.. one summer, i actually worked as a hostess in one of the taverns. shields tavern. i had to wear the whole outfit. full skirt, a long white shift that i tucked into the skirt, an apron, and a white bonnet. black shoes and long socks completed the outfit.

one memory has always stuck by me. . it was an afternoon and a couple of tourists walked by. i was hanging out by the gate, waiting to seat customers in the back patio. one of them came up to the gate, looked at the menu that was posted up, then proceeded to look at me up and down. . then commented, "didn't realize there were asian folks back in the colonial times"

looking back, i wonder if the man realized how stupid his comment was. . . did he seriously think he was being funny? or that i would say, "gee, your right, maybe i should go get a job at a chinese restaurant instead." of course, i needed the money and couldn't really tell the guy off. .so i just smiled politely.

anyways, there's some exiting news hitting the burg. . .this past summer colin farrell was filming the movie "columbus" and now it seems there will be an HBO miniseries about john adams (a tom hanks production http://www.dogstreetjournal.com/story/2629) there. . . i am glad to hear that there will be some more money and business pouring into the town. . . hopefully it'll spillover to the college.

1 comment:

LANYTransplant said...

What a retard. Asians have been around just as long as anyone else.