Wednesday, January 18, 2006

pondering "brokeback mountain"

went to see "brokeback mountain" with VK after work today. . .kind of a heavy movie for humpday. . .for those that have yet to see this ang lee masterpiece, i'll try not to give too much away. . .although i thought i was the last to see it.

as of late, i have grown somewhat cynical towards any movies about love, whether they are romantic comedies or dramas about unrequited love. . .certainly, the passionate love shared by Ennis and Jack certainly affected me. just like any other audience member, i wanted them to break out of their loveless marriages and go start their cattle business. at the end, i found myself near tears, trying to make sense out of how senseless their misery was.

after the movie though. . i began to wonder. . would i ever want to be experience such an all-consuming love? yes, the high is such a high, but the lows are so incredibly low. . .i believe i have never experienced such a thing. . .and then, digging deeper, how real is such love? would their love have been so strong had they been able to settle down into marriage like any heterosexual couple, without any stigma or judgement? would that passionate love die down if they actually did spend every day with the other? of course the romance and passion are strong when you only see your partner once every 3 or 4 months. you don't get into the petty arguments. every moment is just bliss and you ignore all the annoying things about the other person and you yourself are on your best behavior because you don't want to spoil the precious few hours you do have. . .

any thoughts?


Michelle said...

I think I need to see this movie....EVERYONE is talking about it!!

v said...

thanks for the words of encouragement and faith. . .i guess i'm a big romantic and idealist at heart and am willing to hold out for the real deal- even if it takes awhile. . cuz hey, i'm having fun on the way!