Sunday, July 09, 2006

sometimes you just have to laugh at life

practically everything that could possibly go wrong yesterday, did.

friday night i worked until 1:30 AM trying to finish up odds and ends before my flight saturday morning. luckily the boy stayed around to keep me company. which was a beautiful thing, otherwise i would have been a bit creeped out staying in the office all alone and responsible for locking up. i grabbed a cab and got home and started to pack.

my flight was scheduled for 7AM so i had arranged a car to come pick me up at 5:30AM. after packing and showering it was 3:30 AM. . and although i realized there was a risk of oversleeping, i decided to nap for an hour. i had major tired headaches after a week of late nights at the office. needless to say, i did oversleep and missed my flight.

i woke up with a start at 8:15AM, rushed to get my cell, and called the car service to come pick me up ASAP. i called the airline and tried to get the next flight out. unfortunately, i wouldn't be able to make the 8:45 so i decided to take the noon flight. .i had two options: (1) the airline would charge me $400 for the flight change if i wanted to make it now, or (2) i could pay $25 but had to wait until 9:15AM and risk not having a seat to make the change. i opted for the latter. washed my face, threw my things into my suitcase, and went downstairs to wait for the car.

the car was on time, i got to JFK in half an hour. the line to change tickets was ridiculous so while i waited in line i called the airline's customer service and was able to make the change fairly quickly. checked in at the e-ticket counter and went through security. got to my gate and thought everything would be fine. the flight would leave around noon and i would have enough time to meet up with my friend, get dressed at her place, and head out to the wedding. just as a precaution, i brought my dress, shoes, flat iron, and makeup onto the airplane i could get ready on the flight.

we boarded on time and i was already half asleep when i heard the flight attendant annouce that they couldn't find the pilot!!!! turns out the airline didn't notify the flight crew that they had an AM flight. a backup crew came and we didn't re-board until 3PM. all i wanted to do was get on the plane and sleep but i had to take care of logistics so i called e, eulalie, and maekre. told eulalie to go ahead to the wedding and i'd meet her there. luckily maekre agreed to pick me up and drop me off at the wedding.

we left around 4pm and by then i had resigned myself to missing the wedding ceremony. an hour before landing i went to the bathroom to change into my dress and heels only to find that my dress was wet and stained!!!! luckily i had packed a backup dress but that was in my suitcase.

after landing i got my luggage (which thankfully was not lost) and maekre picked me up. the car ride was nice and gave us a chance to catch up with one another. got to the hotel and headed for the bathroom to get ready. so more bad luck. . the zipper had broke on my backup dress!! i had three women trying to help me zip it up and ended up pinning it with safety pins. (darn cheap chinese dress)

i left my suitcase with the bellman and went to the reception. . .managed to catch the last couple courses of the chinese banquet, have some drinks, and finally relax. eulalie and i had a wonderful time and i've never seen a happier bride and groom which gave me warm fuzzy feelings! all the frustration and stress of the day subsided and it was all okay.


Rockenheimer said...

Man... What's it gonna be like at your OWN wedding?

Funny cuz you rather sound organized and not at all the tardy type. A "backup dress"??? I mean come on - you're SO not the type. This day was written in the sky to happen the way it did. Well you can laugh about it now.

v said...

you hit it on the spot. . i'm never tardy and am normally early. . tardiness by others is a pet peeve of mine.

and yes, it's totally me to bring a couple options to wear. . oddly, the same dress can fit/look good or bad depending on the day!

my wedding will be like clockwork.