Monday, July 31, 2006


had planned to go to central park to have coffee, read teh paper, and go row-boating with the boy. . .but with the temperature heating up to 85 degrees by 10 AM we opted to grab brunch then seek AC solace at the movie theatres.

after brunch, we hurried to the movie theatre and made it in time to catch the matinee of "you, me, and dupree". once we got to the theatre, we saw that "scanner darkly" was playing in the adjacent theatre. . since we had been talking about seeing it for sometime, we both looked at eachother and decided to watch that first. the plan was to see "you, me, and dupree", "devil wears prada" and "little miss sunshine". instead, we made it to "scanner darkly" and "you, me, and dupree".

afterwards, we went to tops to pick up some groceries and i cooked us dinner at my place. it's been a wonderful weekend- doing whatever suited our fancy and having little adventures on the way. . the type A/planner in me has been enjoying the change of pace. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whoah i like the pictures! They add a nice touch!