Sunday, March 23, 2008

why this weekend rocked

-getting to be entirely self indulgent friday night ordering in food and watching the first four episodes of the tudors

-hearing my niece tell me that she loved her easter basket so much and could we get her more chocolate lollipops the next time she visits nyc?

-brunching and gossiping with the girls at alias in the LES

-UCLA Bruins rallying in the final seconds and beating texas AM

-satisfying my curiosity about the dramshop (parkslope) and oulu (williamsburg) and never needing to go there again (further description hopefully to follow)

-getting my first climbing lesson and exciting about learning the ropes

-the boy hooked the tellie up with some gadget so DVD viewing can commence on the tv rather than laptop and promptly watching "no country for old men"

-catching up with ms.mess over dinner at franks on east 5th st and 2nd ave

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