Thursday, September 08, 2005

selling it all

in the spirit of moving to new yawk and starting a new life, i decided the best thing for me to do is to sell, give away, or donate all my old stuff (except clothes and things with sentimental value) and buy new (used) stuff once i get there. today, i made a list of all my possessions:

ikea coffee table (standard issue)
(pimpin) black leather sofa
bed with no box spring or real mattress
blue lounge chair
two rocking woven recliners
dining room table with 4 chairs
dvd player
t.v. stand
two desk lamps
one halogen lamp
one metallic lamp
two cd racks
ironing board/iron
cookware, dishes, etc
shoe rack
3 bookshelves
2 barstools (expertly assembled by former best roommate ever)
various framed prints, wall-hangings
desk chair

hmmm. . . kinda weird that at 25, that's all i've accumulated. . .but then again, the most valuable things are the photos, the cool decorations i've bought traveling to other countries, and the experiences and friendships i've made. i guess i'm feeling a little nostalgic.


Pepper said...

You forgot to put your vibrators on there.

And if you didn't, we need to go shopping.

v said...

ha ha. . .will keep that in mind. winter time in ny can be cold and lonely!