Thursday, February 23, 2006

finding the silver lining

tuesday morning started off well. went for a nice long run to venice beach and back. spent a little time dishing with eul before getting ready.

but then, started getting annoying texts from D asking me why i wasn't at work. . hell-o! i asked off two weeks ago!! obviously K didn't remember that and was pissed. . wanting to savour the rest of my vacation, i put it out of my mind and finished cleaning up and packing.

AH picked me up and we went to a cute cafe for brunch. as usual the conversation was stimulating. sigh- too little time to really catch up with everyone. . .

in any case, i made my flight on the nick of time and was even able to buy some magazines before boarding. the flight was fine- slept a little, read a little, etc and before i knew it i was back in NY. nels picked me up and after dropping some things off at his new digs and hanging out with his new roommate, we went to the grocery store and he cooked dinner. D had been texting me throughout the day, telling me how upset K was and his accusation that i had made it all up.

that really got me worked up and i was basically ready to quit. tired of the commute, less than great pay, lack of breaks, and K's moods. unfortunately, he beat me to it. as i was checking emails, i saw a short note from him saying he didn't think i was a good match with his business and my last check would be mailed to me. no explanation. no phone call.

it's like a break up. even though you were going to break up with the other person, it sucks to be he one that was dumped. so i've been coolin off for the past day and a half and think i am now sufficiently calm to write him an email back.

on the bright side, i've been meaning to look for a new job after valentines day at a florist closer to home. . . K's email just gave me the little push i needed to keep moving forward in my goals. so today i plan to get myself organized and tonight i'll get some downtime with my girl VK.

1 comment:

Rockenheimer said...

Boy, that sucks. I’m sorry V. Good luck with the job search. Put your resume up on Craigslist! Not being funny: it’s working fine by me! The phone’s ringing, you know? Otherwise there’s always the drudgery of agencies - but they do tend to work if you have the patience... (Nothing beats word-of-mouth though).

Praying for you.