Friday, February 17, 2006

much needed respite

last night i was at work until close to 8pm. not that late all things considering- it was just a more stressful day than it needed to be. ended up having to cancel my plans with kflo and rescheduling for next week. stopped by the grocery store and went to move my car for street cleaning only to find a parking ticket and no good parking spots.

turns out i had parked next to a fire hydrant but didn't realize it because of the huge mounds of snow on the sidewalks. pretty f-ed up. . but guess that's life. not that i'm bitter or anything but i just have to say that there are far too many fire hydrants in williamsburg!!

got home and had a glass of malbeck trapiche and cooked a simple dinner of pasta with shrimp, sun dried tomatoes, and spinach in a garlicy wine sauce. halfway through packing i took a break to watch the diversity episode of the office (love love that show!) with nels. then resumed packing.

left early to get to work to finish thing up before my trip to hel-lay!! i couldn't sleep that much because of the anticipation. . should be fabulous!

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