Wednesday, February 15, 2006

valentines day- a success

in total we had over 140 valentines day orders. it was pure madness- the three of us were running around like chickens with our heads cut off. . and as soon as you start getting into a groove with making arrangements, it's time to answer the phone or help a customer. . can i tell you, there is nothing more frustrating than last minute orders, customers that expect you to drop everything and have their order done within - oh let's say, 5 minutes (and had they had some foresight maybe they could have ordered it a couple days ago, hello!), the drivers getting an attitude with you, and people getting mad that their deliveries weren't made by a certain time even though we do not guarantee delivery times.

but somehow we managed to make it through and i was out the door by 7:15pm. not too shabby. best of all- i was able to do some cool arrangements- respite from the standard dozen red roses in a vase.

by the time we were done, i was just ready to go home and have a few drinks. . instead, i was pleasantly surprised to come back to a nice home cooked meal followed by a good laugh from "wedding crashers" (thank you netflix). all in all, a very nice valentines day! Posted by Picasa


Rockenheimer said...

Wow - you're really getting good at this!

v said...

aww shucks :P