Saturday, June 17, 2006

the beach boys

sometimes i think i want to just give up on event planning. . . by saturday morning, my big group of beach goers somehow whittled down to three boys- R, Collins (formerly known as waterboy), & LI native- and me. let me tell you, group dynamics are starkly different when the majority of a group is male. that is, conversation centers around bodily functions and sex.

the best snippets of the day.

Topic: Pick up lines

LI native: Excuse me, would you like to have some casual conversation?

Topic: What is your favorite female body part?

LI native: Midriff. . when a woman wears jeans and a t-shirt and you see just a hint, just a hint, of the midriff. Yea, man.

Collins: Hips!

and the best answer. . .

R: I look at a woman's face. If she's got a pretty face, I look further down. And if that looks good, I look even farther down.

1 comment:

Rockenheimer said...

Feet and legs! In that order. I missed me some choice conversation. (I know: I just missed another fantastic occasion to shut the hell up.)