Friday, June 02, 2006

caught in the rain

after my morning workout, i met up with VK for lunch at aquagrill. feeling downright decadent dining on cauliflower and crabmeat soup, a half dozen oysters, and salad. over lunch, we made plans to see satellites next week, commiserated about dealing with meddling asian parents, etc.

i decided to go to the office to take care of some loose odds and ends. i ended up cancelling my salon appointment at 5:30 because the rain was slowing down the train and there was no way i could walk there in time. . . instead, i grabbed the 6 downtown to SOHO to go fix my iPod. chatted with my designated apple genius about economics and politics before making my way back home.

it was pouring by then. . .i had left my umbrella home so did what any sensible girl did, enjoyed walking in the rain and getting absolutely soaked. . so refreshing. luckily i was wearing flats and didn't have the additional stress of navigating my around the streets and subways in heels. i love nothing more than a thunderstorm and rain to bring cooler weather. . .ahhh. . the perks of living on the east coast again.

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