Saturday, June 24, 2006

i heart s-genius

ended up working 9-5 friday. decided to take my boss's ipod and mine to the apple store in soho to get repaired.

this is the third time i've taken my ipod to the genius bar to be fixed. the first time it was corrupted. after that, it's never been the same. the last time, i struck up friendly conversation about economics and politics with my designated genius, s. . . i asked him about the likelihood of getting a new ipod and he made sure to make notes on my record so that there would be a documented history of problems with my ipod.

so this time, he actually replaced it!! i'm so excited about my new ipod. . .unfortunately i left my charger at work and will have to wait until monday to download music. . .sigh, i heart s-genius for giving me a new ipod before my warranty runs out!

after the stop at the apple store, i met up with Q2 and tang at casablanca tea room for dinner. . it's a tiny restaurant tucked amid high end shops, and a beautiful place. i felt transported. we shared a medley of mediterranean small plates, a salad, and slow roasted lamb served with cous cous. delicious meal, simple but satisfying.

then we decided to head to comedy cellar and walk off our dinner. there were five or six comedians of varying ranges of funniness. . sitting in the audience, i thought about how difficult it is to make people laugh. some of the comedians unsuccessfully tried to use crudeness and insults to be funny and it just didn't do anything for me. . . i guess the difficulty is that you have to be general enough to appeal to a wide audience but still have a flair that distinguishes you. by the end, the jokes began to sound the same and i was just ready to go home. . but all in all, i laughed a fair bit, got to try something different, and had a good time.

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