Thursday, July 07, 2005

Beach Weekend

This weekend, a group of us are going to head to Bei Da He, supposedly the “Camp David” of Beijing. I think the majority of the group is leaving Friday after work, but I may just take the earliest train out on Saturday morning to save the hotel cost and meet up with people there. I’ll probably come back on Sunday morning so I can rest and spend time with Da Ge, a good friend that lives in Beijing.

I’m curious to see how Chinese people act at a beach. I think growing up, my family went to the beach occasionally, but it certainly was not a typical outing. . I remember picking up some KFC on the way there and having yummy corn on a stick and trying to keep sand off of it.

Anyways, the weekend should be fun. Try to even out my farmer’s tan, read some mags and books, and get away from the city for a bit. Some people from Shanghai are coming up to Beijing for the weekend to meet up with as, so that should add to the merrymaking. . and of course, I’m looking forward to trying somewhat fresher seafood than Beijing has to offer! . . Well, come Monday, I hope to share some fun photos from the getaway.

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