Saturday, May 06, 2006

going outside the comfort zone

decided to stay in last night and relax. asleep by midnight and had a glorious 9 hours of sleep. . haven't felt so refreshed in awhile. . . i remembered that the spinning class at my gym starts at 10 AM. . so i threw on my gym clothes and rushed to the gym. this my friends, was a milestone for me. . . an attempt to step outside my comfort zone.

you see, i've never taken exercise classes before. . . while i love the gym, i've always shied away from the aerobics/kickboxing/jazzercise/yoga, etc classes. i am not the most coordinated person and get way too self-conscious in front of groups. i'd much rather hop on a treadmill, elliptical, or row machine and pound away. . . but spinning had always sounded appealing and doesn't involve tricky footwork, lunges, etc.

the class was pretty full, only one bike was remaining by the time everyone was settled. there i picked a bike in the far back corner-where i wouldn't be too conspicuous. the next hour consisted of alternating between spinning rapidly and recovery and climbs at various intensities to loud, heart thumping music. . .the work out was incredible and kicked my ass . . .though i made the mistake of wearing running shorts opposed to biking shorts-luckily i didn't end up with chafed thighs. the only downside of spinning is that my lack of a bondunkadunk left me somewhat sore from the hard seat.

nevertheless, i am a spinning convert!!! and who knows, maybe i'll finally try yoga

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