Tuesday, May 23, 2006

pomp and circumstance

lately, it seems i blog a lot about going back to VA. well. . . here's another post about a trip home. my brother in law was graduating from med school- being such an important moment, and representing a pivotal time in his and therefore my sister's life, i thought i should be there.

graduation was saturday morning. . very long very boring. . as all graduations go. . .but there is something very majestic about the pomp and circumstance song. . . in the middle of the song, my niece burst into tears, uncontrollable tears. . she was so moved by the melancholy nature of the song that she couldn't control herself. i was astounded. . my mom and sister had told me that tj doesn't like sad songs but i had never witnessed it myself. even when we tried to tell her the song was for a happy occasion, she was inconsolable.

i'm telling you . . besides being beautiful, intelligent, and good natured, my niece is going to be an artist/genius!


Rockenheimer said...

You're FROM Virginia? Does that mean that you have a southern accent?

Just wondering...

v said...

ha ha. . nope. altho y'all slips in every once in awhile.