Monday, October 16, 2006

first day

i'm beat.

woke up at 6 AM so i could leave the apartment by 7 AM to give myself plenty of time to get to work by 9. got to huntington by 8:15 AM and luckily there was a WAMU nearby so i could go to the bank.

went by the group manager's office. had breakfast with the execs. started some general training with the group manager. then went with the housewares manager for a tour of the floor and some procedures. had lunch with both group managers. completed a sexual harrassment course online. got an entire store tour with the group manager and met a lot lot lot of people (i'm really bad with names, yikes!) then i spent the rest of the afternoon with the housewares manager. dealt with a fussy bride (yay, my first. . .) who wanted to return items from her wedding that was two years ago and became upset when she couldn't get credit on her store charge card. . go figure. . . i suspect this is fairly common.

started feeling slightly overwhelmed around 4 so spent some time cleaning & organizing my desk. turnover meeting from 5:30 to 6pm. then hung around to chat with one of my bridal consultants until 6:30pm. traffic wasn't too bad and i was back home in 40 minutes or so.

i think there's a lot to learn but i'm very excited

reminder: must get a coffee travel mug to make my morning commute bearable and some books on tape or foreign language learning cd's so i can use the time productively!

will fill in about the remaineder of my weekend in NN when i'm better rested!

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