Friday, October 27, 2006

return of the pink eye?!?

yesterday was a big charity event at work. we were swamped and i found myself busy helping one client to the next. to top it off, i had my first bridal registry which went well. was even able to sell a charity ticket to the mother of the bride and help her with a purchase on another registry. hopefully the bride's sister will be coming into register in a few weeks as well.

by 4:30, i was exhausted and still hadn't had a lunch break. a floor manager insisted that i go take my break, tho i didn't need much convincing. . . i headed over to naturalizer to get more comfortable shoes since it seems that i'll be running around quite a bit! i was spoiled at my last work place where i could essentially dress however i pleased and while i wore heels, mostly shuffled around the office in my sandals and flipflops.

i think the week is catching up to me and this cold which started off with me losing my voice then getting other cold symptoms (headache, runny nose, a cough) might be ending with pink eye. . . yech yech, i've had it once in grad school and it seems to be starting up again.

i guess i'll be able to tell if i wake up with sticky eyes. . . what a way to start the weekend!

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