Thursday, October 05, 2006

surviving on redline

somehow i manage to be more sleep deprived and busy when i'm not working then when i am. i'm thinking about buying an apartment (renting just feels like throwing money away) and thought i'd use some of my time off to look around and get a feel of the market, etc.

coincidentally- if you believe in coincidences-the ex-girlfriend, babs, of one of my oldest friends happens to work at a large real estate company. this may not sound so odd in an of itself. . .BUT (1) the two had not been in touch for months, (2) my friend had actually lost babs' cell phone number, (3) and a day or two before i asked my friend if he knew of anyone in real estate, babs had called my friend.

in any case, we spent all of tuesday trekking up and down midtown east and the upper east side.

tuesday afternoon i went to talk to a mortgage consultant to see what the buying process would be like. then i stopped by the grocery store to buy odds and ends for "bachelor night" with VK. after the stop at whole foods, i went to enterprise to pick up my rental car and drove the car to park near the boy's apartment. then i rushed to VK's place to eat dinner and watch the bachelor.

wednesday morning i dropped the boy off at work and went back home to dress and go to long island to talk to HR of my company. traffic was hellish but i made it to my appointment on time. talked to HR for a bit, filled out paperwork, and discussed some things with management. then it was off to manhattan to return the car, go back to brooklyn, hit the gym, then meet up with DJ for drinks. one drink turned into two/three drinks. it was a fun time, different crowd of people, interestingly enough, lots of fashion/beauty industry peeps.

thur morning went to meet up with babs to check out places in the LES was amazed at how expensive real estate is there. talked to a couple other mortgage brokers before heading back to brooklyn to go to the gym. was supposed to meet up with ddt for drinks but luckily (b/c honestly all i want to do is take a nap) she postponed for next week. . now am lazying around, cleaning up the apartment before vern and big guy arrive.

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