Sunday, October 22, 2006

reflections on week one

i can safely say that i have found a job that i will love. will, only because i still have so much to learn! however, once i gain product knowledge and understanding of the company's processi, i can really grow the department and improve the business. i finally met both of my staff members and i think it will be a challenge to manage them. luckily though, both seem like reasonable people and are quite good at what they do.

a funny thing that i've encountered several times during my first week at my new job is that some people really don't care what is on the registry and purchase whatever they want.

"the bride chose this?"

"that's really ugly"

"i don't like that at all"

which really gets me since the registry has products that the bride/groom chose because they like them and it reflects their tastes and will be in their homes!

go figure!

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