Friday, December 08, 2006

winter time

winter is here, i feel it when. . .

all i want to do is stay curled up in my warm bed under my down comforter topped by my fuzzy heavy blanket

it takes an additional mental push to walk the three blocks to my gym

i'm cursing the cold as my car heater warms up

the christmas playlist goes on high rotation

i see lines out the door at toys r us with parents queing to buy the hottest toys for their kids

ordering take-out sounds a lot more appealing then dressing up and going out for a night on the town with my girlfriends

the boy and i agree to watch animated christmas classics rather than fight for the remote

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My personal faves: A Charlie Brown Christmas, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (Boris Karloff!), and that Rudolph one with the miner guy, the elf who wants to be a dentist and the big-ass Terrible Snow-Monster. Also: "A Christmas Story" with Peter Billingsley. For Christmas... ROCKS!

Rockenhei aaaah the hell with it, my name is Stephane, as in Stefan, but given that I'm French Canadian, the "e" at the end is silent.