Monday, February 05, 2007

settling in

the move went surprisingly well but that was probably due to the help of my three male friends!!!

it was actually a 2 day proccess. i started with the help of R on the night of the 27th, getting the remaining items out of my car and moved inside. i cleaned and threw out a few items left by the previous tenant. sunday i met up with mikey at the apartment and blondie at the storage unit. R met us back at the apartment. the storage unit was cleared out in two trips. after stacking up all the boxes, bags, and general clutter in the apartment, i took the boys out for supper.

went to a great israeli restaurant and had the best swamara i've ever had! the rest of the night i spent unpacking and it's been a slow proccess of settling in. i want to refurbish a few things- get a black chandelier, repaint, change some fixtures- all in due time. i'd rather do it right then rush to finish it all now. i have much less space then before but luckily was able to have my parents and brother bring some items back to VA. it's starting to shape up and i'm hoping to be quasi-ready for my housewarming party by the end of the month!

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