Thursday, November 10, 2005

(almost) too exhausted to blog

So I have a new work schedule that is leaving me exhausted!!! On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays I commute 2 hours each way to Long Island to work at the florist. Wednesdays through Fridays I do as much temping as possible.

Thus far, I’ve loved working at the florist. The people that work there are really nice and fun and the work environment, though I’m sure can get quite hectic and stressful, is pretty laid back and casual. On Monday, the store manager showed me the basics on plant/flower care, upkeep of the shop, etc. On Tuesday, I was able to even do my first flower arrangement in a basket. It’s not much, but I had a wonderful time doing it and the owner liked it because it’s non-traditional.

Luckily both days were relatively slow so there was more time to train me. Nevertheless, because I spend 8 hours on my feet and then 4 hours on public transport, by the time I get home, I’m just starving and plum work out. Luckily on Monday the roommie helped me cook dinner. . but Tuesday was a sad day when I just ate white rice with dried pork and some cheese left over from the party.

Perhaps taking pity on my long commutes, the owner drove me to the train station on Monday and picked me up from it Tuesday morning. He was generous enough to drive me all the way to the LES Tuesday night after the store closed early. As usual, we had interesting conversations. On Tuesday morning he grilled me on what my weaknesses were. I didn’t have a ready response- left me thinking about it for the rest of the day. Then we talked about politics and animosity between the Japanese and Chinese. He’s Japanese married to a Chinese woman so it was interesting to hear about his personal experience with discrimination. We also talked about business, how women are more attractive after age 30 (supposedly then they are worthwhile to talk to? Less shallow ), about principles, etc. Definitely a hell of a lot more interesting than riding the train/subway by myself zoning out to my iPod.

Wednesday was a mindless day of helping the real estate investment company prepare for a mass mailing. Today and tomorrow will be more of the same. Mostly I just go into autopilot, which is good because lately I’ve been sleep deprived and my brain hasn’t been functioning as well.

After work I’ll grab some pan-fried dumplings with R and possibly drinks with an old college friend, her husband, and his law school friends.

1 comment:

LANYTransplant said...

Very nice arrangement. Sounds like your days are pretty busy. Rice and dried pork? Remind you of a grad student's diet? I've done that a few times. You remember my painfully plain dinners (which I kinda liked) on busy work nights.