Saturday, November 19, 2005

One Hour Commute- Woo Hoo!!!

My roomie let me borrow his car to drive to Huntington today for work. . .I was nervous about driving in New York but since I wasn’t driving in the city and it was all mostly highway driving and suburbs so it was completely manageable. It took me just under an hour to get there!!! Far better than the usual 2.5 hours it takes me through mass transit. . of course, traffic was less congested since it was a weekend.

I was in much better spirits and much less tired by the end of the workday. Work was slow so I ended up washing buckets and sweeping a lot. Pretty uneventful.

I got home from work around 4pm and lazed around a bit before cooking dinner. Around 8pm I headed out to meet some friends to go to a party in the Upper West Side. We stopped for a couple drinks at the Dive Bar (I thought it was kind of amusing that the name of the restaurant was actually called “dive bar” but I guess there was some sort of nautical theme going on. The party was fun. The crowd was mostly anthropologists (99.99%) but luckily I knew a few people there already and so I wasn’t too far out of my element. I guess at the end of the day, once everyone starts drinking, it doesn’t matter too much.

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