Tuesday, November 01, 2005

scary movie

Last night the roomie and I went to the Halloween Parade in the village. We left the apartment a little before 8 pm and walked around a bit until we found some wooden street dividers. A bunch of people were already standing on top of them but I was able to sneak my way onto the edge of one (good thing I’m small!).

From there, I was able to get a pretty good view of the parade. . it was the most amazing parade I’ve ever seen. There was a great vibe in the air, 90% of the onlookers were dressed up in various costumes, and the parade seemed to go on and on. In addition to the normal slutty (put whatever character/career that you can think of) costumes there were some imaginative ones as well. My favorite was probably the Mona Lisa with frame and everything.

After watching for an hour, we decided to head back to Williamsburg and rent a movie. For those that know me well, I can be indecisive at times (I like to think of it as being laid back) but paired with my equally indecisive roommate, it took us over half an hour to pick a movie. We ended up watching Ringu which was pretty good. I will be the first one to admit that I am a scaredy cat so needless to say, watching horror movies is a rare occasion for me.
This morning, I went to another temp agency and went through the whole testing/interview process again. . hopefully something will turn up soon. The rest of the afternoon I’ll be surfing the net for jobs, making a menu for dinner I’m cooking for George and the roomie tomorrow night, and maybe making a quick trip to Tops.

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